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Writer's pictureJohn Kuhns

Haiti Missions changed my life...

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

“……….. to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27 NIV

I joined Pastor Mike on my first trip to Haiti in 2011. It had a tremendous impact on me and changed my life forever. At that time, our mission was working in an orphanage. It was to assist and give the children, their shelter, safety, ministry, education, health care, and future. Our goal was to provide this to them “from cradle to career”. We even had a bakery adjacent to the outside wall which provided work experience for older children. That orphanage is when I first met Kerby (next to me, wearing the orange shirt in the above photo).

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 NIV

Over the years a lot happened with GOD leading us to a much larger mission. Unexpectantly, new doors opened, and our mission grew. We were led to look at a property several miles to the northeast. Not only was this a larger piece of land on fertile soil, but it was also a NEW beginning. We are still an orphanage, but not only are we educating our children, we are teaching other children in our neighborhood. We are also providing ministry to them and their families.

Our plans now include a new community church, school complex, medical clinic, and job training center. We are part of the neighborhood and active in the community. We also provide some employment opportunities and have assisted with other needs when they arise. Pictured above, in the photo on the right, is Kerby (who is now as tall as me). He’s in higher education and now part of our staff. To be continued………………

John Kuhns (BoD)

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